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4 Things to Know Before Your Hair and Makeup Trial

One of the most exciting parts of the wedding planning process is hair and makeup trial day. After months of pinning inspiration photos to your Pinterest boards, this is the chance to bring your bridal vision for yourself to life before you walk down the aisle! It’s important to take advantage of this time with your hair and makeup artists so they have a clear understanding of what you are looking for to avoid any disappointments on the day of. Here are our four tips to making sure you get the most out of your time with your glam squad.

1. Make sure your hair is the same length it will be for your wedding

If you envision yourself with a long party pony on your wedding day, but your hair is cut in a shoulder length bob during your trial, your stylist is not going to be able to bring your vision to life. It’s important your hair is the same length during your trial that it will be at your wedding so you can get a true picture of what your hair will look like on the big day. This will help you to avoid any wedding morning stress of changing your hair style at the last minute!

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Save the champagne for after the trial, and pour yourself a glass of water instead. Keeping yourself hydrated will make sure your skin is in the best condition before your makeup trial. Staying hydrated helps to prevent blemishes and helps to prevent your skin from looking dry or dull. This will ensure the makeup lays beautifully on your skin and gives you the natural bridal glow you are looking for - even before the highlighter is applied!

3. Bring any hair pieces or your veil

If you are going to wear a beautiful jeweled hair piece or veil on your wedding day, be sure to bring it to your trial so you can review how it will be used with your stylist. This gives you a chance to test out different ways of incorporating it into your hairstyle. Doing this also gives you and your stylist an opportunity to practice placing the piece or veil, and prevent any confusion on your wedding day!

4. Wear white

Most likely, you will be wearing a white dress on your wedding day, so it is helpful to wear a solid white top to your trial. Certain color tops could reflect that color onto your face and change the look of the makeup. Wearing a solid white provides a neutral backdrop so your beautiful face is the star of the show and you aren’t distracted by any colors or patterns.

Whether you choose a boho braid or a classic updo, prefer a natural look or want full glam, your hair and makeup trial is a chance to bring your vision to life. It’s important to communicate with your stylists so they know exactly what you are looking for. Bring inspiration pictures and don’t be afraid to speak up if you do not like something so you love your look on the wedding day. Most importantly, sit back, relax, and have fun!

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